2010年11月30日 星期二

透明雜誌的風格主要建立在4位團員的音樂喜好之上,不受限於特定類型。初期係以Pixies、Superchunk、Fugazi、 Sonic Youth、Weezer、Cap'n Jazz以及NUMBER GIRL等8、90年代的外國樂團擅長的直線噪音搖滾為特色,策動快意衝刺的爵士鼓和電貝斯,搭配刷滿大音量破音的電吉他。繼2007年9月獨立發行的『4 TRACKS EP』,新專輯格局更多元,橫跨3個世代,向Motown、punk以及hip-hop/alternative的標竿藝人、樂團致意,將3年來參與各式狂飆演出與獨立場景的經驗,回饋給伴隨4人一同成長的歌迷。

TOUMING MAGAZINE is a Taiwanese alternative rock band (formed in 2006) consisting of Hung (vocals and guitar), Tang (drums), Chang (guitar), and Hsieh
 (bass). Initially influenced by alternative rock pioneers such as Pixies, Weezer, Sonic Youth, Superchunk, Cap’n Jazz and NUMBER GIRL, TOUMING MAGAZINE delivers a distinctive sound composed of adrenaline-charged guitars, straight forward basslines and sprinting drum beats, which sets them miles apart from domestic contemporaries. Lyrically, frontman Hung pays tribute to teenage angst and sentimental thoughts, as well as sexual hallucinations in a sharp yet poetic tone. On their much anticipated debut full-length “SOUL MUSIC”, the fusion of various musical elements can be heard, reminiscent of Motown grooves, punk rock bliss, or even hip-hop homage. Their current mini tour makes a stop in Kaohsiung on this night. 




12/4(六) PM9:00入場 票價:250(附飲料)
Tickets are $250 at the door, and includes one drink.

