2011年10月1日 星期六

10/15 LIVE SHOW!!

10/15 (Sat.) 9PM $200

-----爛泥兄弟 MudBros.
Choral diversions and major riff changes do not define MudBros. This is straight-up drone, lo-fi delta rock. Raw and unpolished, MudBros is unencumbered by the grandiosity and flash of modern music. Uninhibited, unrestrained and unembellished, MudBros stay true to the rawness, soul and emotion of the delta tradition while bringing it kicking and screaming into the Far East. The words may be unintelligible but the message is clear - the delta blues are alive and well in Taiwan.



-----酒狂查理 Charlie Swiggs Band
A Taiwanese soft rock jazz funk Band, located in Tainan, a cross over between Taiwans tradition in great technical skils and front man Axel's German roots in the late 60ties early 70ties.
The Band perfoms songs in Chinese, German and English.


