這是全台灣最龐克的龐克樂團"Damn Kidz"在高雄的少數演出之外也是貝斯手近期在高雄的最後一場表演。我相信當天一定是除了酒精與笑聲還會有熱血和瘋狂,錯過這一場你絕對會錯失一場過癮的龐克之夜啦!!! 5/1 星期六 PM9:30 NT.200元(附飲料)
Punk-rock steel-cage death match!! Taichung's defending champions Damn Kidz take on Kaohsiung upstarts 秋老虎 (Autumn Tiger, formerly known as Hardcore Party, one of KHH's ORIGINAL punk bands in the halcyon days of Kaohsiung underground) in a bloody no-holds-barred title defense match! Foreign objects, chairs, guitars and drums; nothing will be held back!!!
Doors open at 8:30, showtime is 9:00PM, get there early for ringside seats!!
$200 NT includes one drink!