2010年1月31日 星期日

碎紙花 The Broken Flowers Live Saturday, February 6

初期以pop punk曲風為主,時間的累積漸漸形成多元化的曲風SKA.EMO.融合成情緒上的爆炸性的形式音樂 
現代社會的醜陋 以及現代年輕人的喜怒哀樂跟想念和思念 憤怒和哀傷,還有鼓勵…… 
2004年底 發行自己獨立製作的首張專輯"青春勇敢" 籌備時間一年 Roc steady co音樂發行
2005年6月加入了新樂手 小提琴手 

Vocals & Guitar: Yuki
Guitar: Yogo
Bass: Sam
Drums: Yellow

Musical Style:
Melodic Punk
Emo Punk
Power Pop

Elements of punk, ska, power pop and emo form the basis for The Broken Flowers' sound. This veteran band from Taichung makes its first appearance at The Mercury this Saturday!!

2010年1月7日 星期四

Live in January!!! ㄧ月份 Live!!!!

1/09 Seamas Manly and Dim Bulb Free

1/16 Windmill 風籟坊 $200 NT with one drink

1/23 Full House $200 NT with one drink

1/30 The Last Chance $100 NT

2010年1月3日 星期日

You say it's your birthday?? 來水星酒館慶祝生日唷!

You say it's your birthday?? 來水星酒館慶祝生日唷!

來水星酒館慶祝生日唷!只要來店前兩天訂位,訂位滿8人以上(低消 NT.200/人),就送氣泡酒一支!(限生日當天)
訂位電話 (07)550-8617.

Come celebrate your birthday at The Mercury and get a FREE bottle of Création Pêche Sparkling Wine for you and your group!! To qualify, all you need is a minimum of eight people in your party and a minimum charge of $200 per person. We also require two days advance notice to reserve your seats. Call (07)550-8617.