這次在水星酒館的表演害羞將以"昂普拉個"的表演,呈現青春熱血的SKA PUNK曲風
9/25 在水星酒館更將會首度披露連名字都還沒取的新歌
喜歡害羞踢蘋果的歌迷們 千萬不要放過此次難得的機會!!
Taiwan's best ska/punk band Shy Kick Apple have been kickin' ass and takin' names across this island for the past three years, and show no signs of slowing down! On this night, you will witness a very rare 'unplugged' performance from the band, and will also hear them debut a brand new song which is so new that it doesn't even have a name! Come see some of the finest musicians in Kaohsiung do their thing!!